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Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Monday to Friday Mornings.

Ohhhhh....what a "joy" - total sarcasm. 

Mornings are a complete struggle when you are a "single" mom working full-time. It's a race to get out the door, to daycare and then to work in record time, while still trying to look like you actually cared about what you looked like before walking out the door. I refuse to look like a frumpy mummy and let myself go. So much easier said than done. At times, I wish I had the ability to just throw on some jeans, a t-shirt, throw my hair into a ponytail and leave, but it is NEVER that simple! Also, it seems that I forget something (like, Puddy's bottle, my laptop for work, my lunch, etc) almost everyday. Maybe I just need to get organized. Yeah.

This is my morning mommy routine (oh, and "Puddy" is my little guy, Ashten ;):

  • Alarm goes off at 5:40.
  • Jump out of bed, take a quick shower. This involves extreme caution & tip toeing so as not to wake up Puddy. He is a light sleeper.
  • Turn on the kettle to make coffee.
  • Pick something to wear. Easier said then done. I still have about 35 baby pounds to lose with a big booty. My options are very limited.
  • About 15 minutes later, I'm dressed. Go into the kitchen, make coffee and Puddy's morning bottle. Set and ready for when he wakes.
  • Do makeup. Now this is something that takes between 15-45 minutes. Yes. I know. RIDICULOUS. Why would it take so long, you ask? Well. I don't go out often, so going to work is really the only time I get to look at least sort of cute! Annnnd I take public transportation, so I'm NOT risking seeing someone that I haven't seen in years while looking a hot mess. AND then, for some reason, I tend to try different makeup techniques in the morning which makes absolutely NO sense at all..smh.
  • Do my hair. I either throw on a wig, or fix my weave. Again this takes about 15 mins.
  • Then either A) Puddy wakes up at this time and demands his bottle which thank heavens, he can hold on his own now. *I try to make as little movement as possible. Anything that seems too exciting at my vanity table sends a "fun signal" to Puddy and he whines until I pick him up and hold him in my lap OR B) Puddy keeps sleeping.
  • Get Puddy dressed. Again - timing on this is highly dependent upon if he's awake (he will kick and whine and throw himself around) or B) He still sleeps and I dress him while he's sleeping. Can you guess which one makes me happy, hehe.
  • Grab something out of the fridge for lunch...praying there is something leftover or hidden in the fridge that I CAN actually use for lunch
  • Gather my laptop bag for work, choose my purse, load it up, grab Puddy's daycare necessities and out the door we go.....Unless Puddy decides he wants to have a morning meltdown and throws himself on the ground in a rage and tantrum which means another 5 minutes spent trying to pull him out the door.
  • Get in the car, drive to daycare, drop Puddy off.
  • Get in the car, drive back home, drop my the car off.
  • Head out in a rush to catch the bus. I usually am sweating and gasping for air by this time.
  • Then my commute consists of a bus, the RT (rapid light rail), train and then streetcar. The most annoying thing ever...I detest public transportation!
  • 3 Hours from the time I wake up, I finally. Get. To. Work. *sigh of relief*
  • Five days a week. This is how it goes. Needless to say.....weekends don't come quick enough!

Is your mommy morning hectic? Please share! Maybe I could learn some tips to make mine less traumatic!

~Nikki Xo

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